A Guide to ES6
What is ES6?
- ECMAScript 6, JavaScript 6, or ECMAScript 2015
- ECMAScript: European Computer Manufacturers Association
- “6th version” of JavaScript, released in 2015
- Some notable features include:
- addition of Constants
- Block-Scoped Variables and Functions
- Arrow Functions
- Default Function Parameters
Why does ES6 exist?
Short history of JavaScript
1995: JavaScript is born as LiveScript 1997: ECMAScript standard is established 1999: ES3 comes out and IE5 is all the rage 2000–2005: XMLHttpRequest, a.k.a. AJAX 2009: ES5 comes out (this is what most of us use now) with forEach, Object.keys, Object.create, and standard JSON 2015: ES6/ECMAScript2015 comes out;
“Top 10 Best Features”
- Default Parameters in ES6
- Template Literals in ES6
- Multi-line Strings in ES6
- Destructuring Assignment in ES6
- Enhanced Object Literals in ES6
- Arrow Functions in ES6
- Promises in ES6
- Block-Scoped Constructs Let and Const
- Classes in ES6
- Modules in ES6
Resources: https://www.w3schools.com/Js/js_es6.asp https://www.educba.com/what-is-es6/ https://www.tutorialspoint.com/es6/index.htm http://es6-features.org https://webapplog.com/es6/