featured course
Accessible Cross-Browser CSS Form Styling
Stephanie EcklesStephanie Eckles has prepared several lessons that work through the creation of a complete form demo featuring the most common controls with a variety of attributes. You'll create semantic fieldsets, add responsive styles without media queries, and prepare styles for accessible validation. The demo is built with Sass and Eleventy.
Optimize your Learning
Learning Tips Every Developer Should Know
Learning will be a constant in your career no matter what you decide to do, especially if you are breaking into tech.
There are a number of tried and true methods that will allow you to learn more efficiently so that you can keep up with the industry. These evergreen methods will serve you well no matter your level of expertise.
Upcoming Events
Create AI-powered Transcripts
Video Analysis App with NextJS and Symbl.ai
Add Conversation Intelligence to your video or voice application without training Machine Learning models.
Portfolio Project
Introduction to Cloudflare Workers
Create and deploy a Cloudflare Worker that will examine the request for location data, and render HTML featuring information for the closest concert taking place based on the nearest regional Cloudflare Location.
Accept Payments and Sell Products
Create an eCommerce Store with Next.js and Stripe Checkout
E-commerce is here to stay and as professional developers we need to understand how to build fully custom stores for our clients using the best modern tools available.
Amazon Web Services
Deep Dive into AWS 🤯
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has over 165 services. Not sure where to start? Let these courses guide you through quickly getting up and running on AWS.
- Build an App with the AWS Cloud Development KitTomasz Łakomy・1h 4m・Course
- Using DynamoDB with Next.jsLee Robinson・30m・Course
- DynamoDB: The Node.js DocumentClientChris Biscardi・17m・Course
- Intro to DynamoDBChris Biscardi・15m・Course
- Learn AWS Lambda from scratchTomasz Łakomy・21m・Course
- Use AWS Billing & Cost Management Dashboard to keep your AWS bill to minimumTomasz Łakomy・4m・Course
- Converting a Serverless App to run on AWS Lambda and DynamoDB with Serverless FrameworkChris Biscardi・42m・Course
Community Resource
Learn Something New
A Community Resource is a course that is free to access for all. The instructor of this course requested it to be open to the public.
- Get Started with ReasonNik Graf・1h 13m・Course
- Introduction to State Machines Using XStateKyle Shevlin・53m・Course
- Immutable JavaScript Data Structures with ImmerMichel Weststrate・59m・Course
- Practical Git for Everyday Professional UseTrevor Miller・1h ・Course
- Build an App with React SuspenseMichael Chan・1h 23m・Course
- Scalable Offline-Ready GraphQL Applications with AWS AppSync & Reactnader dabit・64m・Course
- GraphQL Data in React with Apollo ClientNik Graf・23m・Course
Portfolio Blog
Build a site from scratch with Next.js, TypeScript, Emotion and Netlify
Use cutting-edge tools and leverage the best developer experience provided by Next.js to build your developer portfolio blog.
Accessible Portfolio Pieces
Start Building Accessible Web Applications Today
Protect Your Application
Web Security Essentials: MITM, CSRF, and XSS
Security is important, yet it is often overlooked and forgotten. In this course, you'll learn how to protect your application by learning how to attack it.
Composing Closures and Callbacks in JavaScript
This course is for aspiring lead developers. John Lindquist guides you from a blank JavaScript file all the way through creating a library of reusable functions, solving Callback Hell with composition, implementing debouncing, and building a word game among several other examples.
Techniques and Patterns for React Teams
Scale React Development with Nx
On the surface, starting a project sounds easy. First you make some directories, install some dependencies, then you write some code. But there's a bit more to it than just those three steps. The type of project you're working on impacts the decisions you make.